Orange Line “Holy Land Journey” Seven Days

Atis Global

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Atis Global
21 Bukit Batok Crescent, #17-80 Singapore 658065
+65 6811 xxxx

SGD 798

Group Tours


[Every Thursday] Paris → Avignon (690 kilometers)


Extraordinary ! Depart from Paris in the morning and enter the heart of Provence “Avignon” in the evening. This region is extremely varied, with thousands of styles, lively cities, winding mountains, and arrangements that change due to seasons and climates. The plenary session will be performed on this land. You can take a closer look before registering! Enough of the fashion and luxury of big cities, this route will take you to South France to appreciate the style of small towns, walk through the nature and humanities, history and present of South France together, and experience a different European trip. We can take you to appreciate the romantic feelings of southern France, the loneliness of the sky city of Gede, explore the stories of Van Gogh in the ears of the small town of Al, taste the mellow aroma of Bordeaux wine, and revel in the shopping paradise of the Principality of Andorra* (seasonal). Accommodation: Avignon or nearby cities.

[Every Friday] Avignon → Gordes → Abbaye de Sénanque → Avignon (200 km)

Holy Land Tour ! Can’t miss it! It is the Pope City and the Broken Bridge (St. Benezet Bridge). In the 14th century, the Holy See moved to this place with the support of the King of France, and Avignon became the second capital of the Church. In the afternoon, head to the city of Gerde, which is very desirable in Mel’s “Mountain Dwelling Years”, which is also known as Stone City. Known as a “high-hanging village”, it is also named “Sky City” because of its image hanging in the sky. The rocky mountain city was built in the Middle Ages and is made of limestone dry slabs. After the tour, head to Senanque Abbey, passing by the “Lavender Museum” for a short visit. The Abbey of Senanque is the place where the “Cistercians” of Catholic monasticism started. Accommodation: Avignon or nearby cities

[Every Saturday] Avignon → Arles → Barcelona (500 kilometers)

Paint the Holy Road! The small town of “Ar”, famous for the talented painter “Van Gogh” who is also known as “Impressionist/Expressionist”, was originally listed as a key city since ancient Rome, and there are still many ancient Roman ruins worth visiting. In the very center of the city, such as the Colosseum, the Roman Amphitheatre… . Although Van Gogh only lived in the sanatorium here for a short year (1888-89), that year was the peak of his creation, and he also created the famous “Langlu Bridge and the Washerwoman” and “Under the Stars”. coffee shop”. We will follow in the footsteps of “Van Gogh”, go back in time, and return to the place where the master took pictures and painted, so that you can check in on the spot! Yubi headed for the Spanish coastal city “Barcelona”. Accommodation: Barcelona or nearby cities

[Every Sunday] Barcelona

City of “Two Saints” ! In the morning, “collective activities at their own expense” drove to the “Montserrat Monastery” in the mountains. This is the most important religious sanctuary in Catalonia. The statue of the black-faced Madonna holding the Holy Child is the guardian of the spirit and soul of the local people. Start the self-selection project at noon, and you can choose according to your personal preferences:【 1. Only take pictures and buy souvenirs at the exterior of the stadium, and then visit the “Sagrada Familia” in the city. Please refer to the consumer guide for customizing the ticket “time” or [ 2. Enter the fan sanctuary “Luying Stadium” for a visit. Please refer to the consumer guide for customizing the ticket “time”] After the tour, go to the city center, the famous Columbus Monument and the bustling Las Ramblas. Accommodation: Barcelona or nearby cities

[Every Monday] Barcelona→*Andorra (from October to February every year to Carcassonne) →Lourdes (480 kilometers)

A shopper’s mecca and a place of pilgrimage! Go to the “Grand Duchy of Andorra”, a small pocket country located at the junction of France and Spain, between the Pyrenees Mountains, surrounded by high mountains and rugged terrain. The capital, Andorra La Vella, has the title of the highest capital in Europe. This small country, which most Asian tourists don’t pay much attention to, has beautiful scenery and is a ski resort for Europeans. Also because of the tax-free relationship, it is the paradise where tourists love shopping. In the afternoon, enter France along the Pyrenees Mountains and head towards the famous small town of Lourdes, a pilgrimage site for Our Lady. It is said that the Virgin Mary appeared here 150 years ago, and countless medical miracles have occurred since then. More than 5 million pilgrims visit Lourdes every year. Accommodation: Lourdes or nearby cities

( Special note: From October to the end of February every year , due to the influence of the mountain climate and path, the itinerary will be [cancelled * Andorra] and [rerouted] to the “World Heritage Site” city of art and history ” Carcassonne , France ” in 1997 Its landmark “Castle of Carcassonne” is included in the World Cultural Heritage, and there are 3 kilometers of double walls and 52 towers around the city)

[Every Tuesday] Lourdes→Bordeaux (250km)

Wine resort! Visiting the winery in this wine country is an experience not to be missed. The itinerary is arranged to visit the famous winery. The endless vineyards show Bordeaux’s status in the world of winemaking. Group members who are interested in wine can even visit the winery. Taste and buy. Then enter the center of Bordeaux, visit the Bordeaux Theatre, Water Plaza and Plum Blossom Square, etc.. The city center coordinates of Bordeaux, and free activities in the bustling city center. Accommodation: Bordeaux or nearby cities (Special Note: Most wineries in Bordeaux are closed to tourists in August every year or during festivals. During this period, the itinerary will cancel the visit to the winery. Please understand and pay attention. Group members can stay in Bordeaux Downtown wineries to buy or taste wine.)

[Every Wednesday] Bordeaux → Chambord → Paris (590 kilometers)


Castle resort! Go to the world-renowned tourist attraction Loire Valley. Known as the mother river of France, the Loire River is the longest river in France with a flow of 1020 kilometers. There are world-famous Loire castles on both sides of the river valley. Magnificent and gorgeous castles can be seen everywhere. In the afternoon, we arrive at Chambord Castle, known as the “King of the Castle”. For the hunting palace to be built, he invited art master Da Vinci and others from Italy to transplant the brilliant art and architectural style of the Italian Renaissance to France, laying the foundation for the French Renaissance. You Bi headed towards Paris and arrived in Paris, Huadu, at about 7:00 p.m. Accommodation: Paris or nearby cities


  • The tour fee is counted in “days”, and the last night of the itinerary is without accommodation (that is, seven days and six nights, four days and three nights, and one day without night)
  • Stay in a three-star hotel, no less than a three-star standard, double room for two people, including continental breakfast (coffee or tea, juice, bread, jam)
  • Children aged 2 to 11 must share a room with two adults without occupying a bed (only one child can share a room). If a child needs to occupy a bed, it will be calculated according to the adult group fee
  • Infants aged 0 to 2 are free, provided they do not occupy any seat or service
  • The departure location*time is for reference only, no dispute or claim for delay
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+65 6811 xxxx

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